
Bamboo White Nails Inc. by Victoria, Victoria Beckham

My obsession with nail polish has reached a new level. I’m not a nail polish snob when it comes to brands. I have tried every brand under the sun, but I have to say Nails Inc. has a special place in my heart. I discovered this brand while watching my favorite British Youtubers, and all my dreams came true when I saw that Sephora carries it. I’ve purchased many colours since, Baker Street & Porchester Square being my favorites.

While on my latest Sephora browse, which happens more then I want to admit, I noticed that they had two new colours. Designed by Victoria Beckham for her new Spring/Summer 2015 fashion collection. The other color in the collection called Judo Red is a bright orange color and didn’t appeal to me all that much, BUT the Bamboo White immediately intrigued me. I took out the brush and noticed that the color is right up my alley. If my alley was covered in creamy blush pink roses.

Nails Inc. Bamboo White is flawlessly milky and definitely not streaky. I was able to achieve the perfect color in just two coats. If you like Fiji by Essie, or Bubble Bath by Opi then throw those two out and get Bamboo White! Its THE most opaque nail polish I have tried thus fur. The brush is wide and flat with a curved tip, which allows for smooth and easy application.

While the color may not be groundbreaking, the formula undeniably is!

This nail polish also comes in very sleek and heavy bottle that will make the other nail polishes look poor and ghetto. I am a sucker for packaging and if your going to spend a little more on nail polish it may as well have a beautiful bottle. All in all, this brand gets my approval!

Also fun fact Nails Inc. names their nail polishes by streets in London. Cool, right?!

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